The situation in Israel is challenging, and we must act!
See latest update HERE
We ask you to please Pray, Love, and Learn
Please read Psalms 20-22-69-130-150 for the success of the IDF, the safe return home of all kidnapped, and the healing of all wounded.
Women light Shabbat candles and encourage those who don't yet, to start this Friday, 18 minutes before sunset.
Men put on Tefillin. We are holding Special Services in solidarity with Israel, every morning at 6:45 am at 12750 Carmel Country Rd. Suite 211.
Increase Ahavat Israel, unconditional love to every Jew, smile, be kind, and extra patient.
Give to Our Soldiers PLEASE CLICK HERE
Learning Torah, specifically Chitat, protect us from our enemies, see HERE
Teach children to say words of Torah, especially the 12 Pesukim.
Please click HERE for more ideas and share this link
English Translation
He Who blessed our forefathers Abraham, Isaac and Jacob — may He bless the fighters of the Israel Defense Forces, the officers of the Israel Police, and those who serve in Israeli security forces, who stand guard over our land and the cities of our God, from the border of the Lebanon to the desert of Egypt, and from the great sea unto the approach of the Aravah, on the land, in the air, and on the sea.
May the Almighty cause the enemies who rise up against us to be struck down before them. May the Holy One, blessed is He, preserve and rescue our fighters from every trouble and distress and from every plague and illness, and may He send blessing and success in their every endeavor.
May He lead our enemies under our soldiers’ sway and may He grant them salvation and crown them with victory. And may there be fulfilled for them the verse: For it is the Lord your God, Who goes with you to battle your enemies for you to save you. And let us say, amen.
Traducción al Español
Quien bendijo a nuestros patriarcas, Abraham, Itzjak y Iaacov, bendiga a los soldados de las Fuerzas de Defensa de Israel, quienes cuidan nuestra tierra y las ciudades de nuestro Dios, desde la frontera con el Líbano hasta el desierto de Egipto, y desde el Gran Mar hasta la Aravá, por tierra, por aire y por mar.
Que Dios haga que los enemigos que se levantan en nuestra contra sean fulminados delante de nuestros soldados. Que el Santo, Bendito sea, proteja y libere a nuestros soldados de todo problema y peligro, de toda plaga y enfermedad, y que les conceda bendiciones y éxito en cada una de sus acciones.
Que Él disponga que nuestros soldados derroten a nuestros enemigos, y que los corone con la diadema de la salvación y la corona de la victoria. Y que se cumpla para ellos el versículo: “Porque Hashem tu Dios está contigo; Él peleará en favor tuyo y te dará la victoria sobre tus enemigos”.
Y respondamos: Amén.